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Our Purposes

  • To support and help the elderly live longer and live better;

  • To promote community connections and to encourage social activities within the Community, Residential Aged Care Facilities and Homes;

  • To help and assist the seniors in their daily life - in particular, those facing barriers including language, cultural and financial barriers;

  • To create physical places and gather the elderly in groups (especially the Chinese Aged / Social Groups) to participate in varieties of activities;

  • Wholeheartedly love and care for the senior and disabled community;

  • Provide job opportunities for caring volunteers, care staffs, activity coordinators and all other health care professionals;

  • Organise interesting activities to bring the elderly together and communicate with each other;

  • Provide consultation and services with various health experts, such as: physical therapist, functional exercise therapist; speech functional therapist; physical therapist;

  • Provide a respite service;

  • Maintain the interests and hobbies of the elderly. Stay youthful;

  • Prevention of chronic diseases, including senile dementia; diabetes; senile depression and more;

Our projects benefit Chinese background Senior Community.

Our purpose is to promote unity, good health and senior independence through our many volunteer projects

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